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  • How to remove XLS exporter from JasperReports Server 6.1.1

    • Features: Exporters, JasperReports Server Version: v6.1.1 Product: JasperReports® Server


    How to remove XLS exporter from TIBCO JasperReports® Server 6.1.1?

    Explanation of this requirement:

    In JasperReports Server, 2 exporters are available, XLS and XLSX.

    The problem is that XLS and XLSX formats are not fully compatible with each other.

    This means that, if you create a document and export it to XLS format and then copy its contents to XLSX document, an XLSX copy will lose the original color formatting or will represent it  with different colors.

    If you don’t have any special requirements to support XLS exporter it would be better to remove it from the list of the available exporters to avoid one of the possible problems that are described below.

    For the official list of possible problems and workarounds for XLS format please refer to the vendor’s web page:


    Please find a copy of this page in PDF format in case if link above is not available.


    To disable XLS exporter in JasperReports Server for:

    1. Reports:

      • Please open the configuration file:

      • Find the section that starts with the line:

        <util:map id="exporterConfigMap">

        and comment out 2 lines:

        <!--entry key="xls" value-ref="xlsExporterConfiguration"/-->
        <!--entry key="xlsNoPag" value-ref="xlsNoPaginationExporterConfiguration"/-->
      • Save and close the configuration file


    2. AdHoc Views

      • Please open the configuration file:

      • Find the section that starts with the line:

        <util:map id="exportFormatLabels">

        and comment out 2 lines:

        <!--entry key="xls" value="jasper.report.view.hint.export.excel"/-->
        <!--entry key="xlsNoPag" value="jasper.report.view.hint.export.excel.nopag"/-->
      • Save and close the configuration file.


    3. Report Scheduler, Output Tab

      • Please open the jsp file:

      • Find 2 snippets that contain the description of XLS and XLS no paginated formats:

        <li class="leaf">
            <div class="control checkBox">
                <label class="wrap" for="scheduler_box_11" title="<spring:message code="report.output.xls.nopag.label.tooltip"/>">Excel</label>
                <input id="scheduler_box_11" name="outputFormats" value="XLS_NOPAG" type="checkbox">
        <li class="leaf">
            <div class="control checkBox">
                <label class="wrap" for="scheduler_box_3" title="<spring:message code="report.output.xls.label.tooltip"/>">
                    <spring:message code="report.output.xls.label"/>
                <input id="scheduler_box_3" name="outputFormats" value="XLS" type="checkbox">

        and comment them out.

      • Save and close the configuration file.

    Application server should be restarted to apply the changes that have been done.

    The configuration above has been checked with JasperReports Server version 6.1.0.

    Please check these adjustments in the test environment before applying them in production.


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