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  • How to override default tooltip on date input controls

    • Features: Input Controls Version: v6.0.0 Product: JasperReports® Server

    By default, the tooltip that is displayed for date input controls reads: "<Parameter Label>. If your parameter supports relative date expressions, you can enter expressions like 'WEEK+1' in this input control."  This applies to input controls of type Date, Date/Time and Time.

    If you want to change the default text for ALL date input controls, you can modify the value of DATE_IC_TOOLTIP in WEB-INF/bundles/jasperserver_messages.properties.

    However if you want the tooltip to match the input controls' description, you can modify three entries in WEB-INF/jsp/modules/inputControls/InputControlTemplates.jsp as follows:

    <script id="singleValueDate" type="template/mustache">
        <div id="{{id}}" class="leaf">
            <label class="control picker" title="{{description}}">
                <span class="wrap">{{#mandatory}}* {{/mandatory}}{{label}}</span>
                <input class="date"  type="text" value="" {{#readOnly}}disabled{{/readOnly}} />
                <div class="warning">{{message}}</div>

    <script id="singleValueDatetime" type="template/mustache">
        <div id="{{id}}" class="leaf">
            <label class="control picker" title="{{description}}">
                <span class="wrap">{{#mandatory}}* {{/mandatory}}{{label}}</span>
                <input class="date" type="text" value="" {{#readOnly}}disabled{{/readOnly}} />
                <div class="warning">{{message}}</div>

    <script id="singleValueTime" type="template/mustache">
        <div id="{{id}}" class="leaf">
            <label class="control picker" title="{{description}}">
                <span class="wrap">{{#mandatory}}* {{/mandatory}}{{label}}</span>
                <input class="date" type="text" value="" {{#readOnly}}disabled{{/readOnly}} />
                <div class="warning">{{message}}</div>

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