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  • Getting Started with the Google Earth Placemark File Generator


    Building standalone geo-reports app

    System Requirements

    Building the application requires Apache Ant library 1.7 or later (http://archive.apache.org/dist/ant/binaries/). Ensure that the Ant library is available in the system path.

    Build steps

    1. Download geo-reports project distribution from the svn repo location: Jaspersoft's Google Earth Visualization Subversion Repository
    2. Open the /geo-reports-dist/geo-reports.properties and edit the 'version' and 'appbasedir' accordingly. The 'appbasedir' property should point to the geo-reports project root directory.
    3. In the /geo-reports-dist/resources directory:
      1. Enter the /win-jre directory and read the readme.txt file. Place the JRE distribution for Windows in the /win-jre folder.
      2. Enter the /linux-jre directory and read the readme.txt file. Place the JRE distribution for Linux in the /linux-jre folder.
    4. Open a command line and change directory to the /geo-reports-dist root folder.
      • To generate the standalone project distribution for Windows, run the 'ant archive' command. The geo-reports-.zip archive will be generated in the /geo-reports-dist/win directory.
      • To generate the standalone project distribution for Linux:
        • Open the /geo-reports-dist/geo-reports.properties file and edit the 'os' property: os=linux. Save it and then run the 'ant archive' command,


        • Do not edit the /geo-reports-dist/geo-reports.properties file, but run the 'ant -Dos=linux archive' command.


          The geo-reports-.zip archive will be generated in the /geo-reports-dist/linux directory.

    Installing and running the generated app

    To install and run the generated standalone application, follow the steps in the install-notes.txt file in the /geo-reports-dist/win or /geo-reports-dist/linux directory.

    For Windows/Linux

    1. Download the appropriate geo-reports-<version>.zip file for your operating system from the Google Earth Visualizations releases page and unpack it in a convenient place on your machine.

      The unzipping process will create a /geo-reports-<version> directory containing the ready-to-launch application.

    2. Then read the readme.txt file in the /geo-reports-<version> root directory.

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