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  • Disabling the ability to attach documents to the scheduler email


    Some customers may wish to disable the ability of their users to attach report output to the email notifications that come out of the execution of scheduled reports. While this is not specifically supported, it is possible to make a simple change to the code to do this.

    The "attach files" checkbox is in the following file: :


    Making the following change here should remove the checkbox from the user interface:

    • comment out the attach file label
    • change the attach file input type from "checkbox" to "hidden"
    <!-- <spring:message code="report.scheduling.job.edit.email.label.attachFiles" /> -->
    <input type="hidden"
           value="${status.value}" />
    <input type="hidden"
           <c:if test="${status.value == 2}">checked</c:if>
           onclick="document.fmEditJob['${status.expression}'].value = this.checked ? 2 : 1" />

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