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  • Ad Hoc View Using Custom Groovy Functions

    Tom C
    • Features: Ad Hoc Version: v6.4 Product: JasperReports® Server

    Users can define their Groovy function and use it in TIBCO JasperReports® Server v6.4.0 Ad Hoc views.

    The following are the steps needed to make this work.

    1. Define Groovy function in BaseGroovyColumn.groovy file under deployed TIBCO JasperReports Server v6.4.0  WEB-INFgroovygroovy_column directory. For example:

      def HelloWorld(String s) {
              return "Hello World ("+ s.trim() +").";
    2. Expose newly defined Groovy function (from step 1) to Ad Hoc Designer web UI by adding the following function definition to applicationContext-el-operators.xml configuration file under deployed TIBCO JasperReports Server v6.4.0 WEB-INF directory. For example: 

      <bean parent="functionDef">
          <property name="name" value="HelloWorld"/>
          <property name="javaType" value="java.lang.String"/>
          <property name="argumentTypes">
                  <value>#{ objectTypeMapper.checkType('String') }</value>
    3. Restart server;

    4. Create Ad Hoc View from TIBCO JasperReports Server v6.4.0 Ad Hoc Designer;

    5. Using the newly created Groovy function from the Ad Hoc custom calculated measure drop down list, create a calculated measure. For example:



      Note: in this example, HelloWorld() function put a prefix literal to the concatenated user name created via another calculated measure.

    6. Put the new custom measure to Ad Hoc View and the result is shown:


    Since ad hoc calculated measures (vs Domain calculated fields) are generally processed in memory, we will not able to see those functions in ad hoc cache query. For example:







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