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  • "Batch Size" property meaning of tOracleOutput JETL component

    • Product: Jaspersoft® ETL


    What is the effect of "Batch Size" property of tOracleOutput JETL compoment?

    How does it interfer with 'Commit Every' option?


    tOracleOutput component executes the action defined on the table and/or on the data contained in the table,

    based on the flow incoming from the preceding component in the Job.

    "Batch Size" property of the component specifies the number of records to be processed in each batch.

    The batch size feature allows you to have more control of the performance of the data being outputted.

    Using the Batch size enables you to define the number of lines committed to the database.

    If working with a large dataset or have hardware restricted environment which can cause excessive memory consumption

    slows down overall machine performance (client-side) which can lead to errors if the process runs out of accessible memory.

    Altering the Batch size will ensure performance is not impacted.

    For example, if transferring a table with 1000000 rows in Studio the batch size commit 10000 at a time to ensure performance is not degraded.

    You can alter this as per your request but we advise not to exceed the default level.

    Commit is the process of committing the rows in DB within each batch rows together.

    The batch size can be used when there is a situation insertion of a bulk number of rows.

    For example, let us consider the insertion of 1 million records.

    Batch size is 1000 and commit size is 500. So for each batch 1000 records will be inserted and for each batch, 500 records will be committed.

    This was answered on the following post:

    SqlOutput advanced settings

    The parameters are inter-related and are similar.

    "Batch size" is the number of rows to be "batched up" before sending them to the database and "Commit" is the number of rows to be sent to the database before sending a commit.

    Commit is advised to be used after the insert process.

    AS-20200326, case 01852400

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