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  • Upgrading JasperReports Server 7.1.0 to 7.1.1

    Friendly User
    • Features: JasperReports Server Version: v7.1, v7.1.1, v7.1.0 Product: JasperReports® Server


    You are running JasperReports Server 7.1.0 and want to upgrade to 7.1.1 to follow the security advisory. What would be the easiest way to do that?


    JRS 7.1.1 doesn't have any changes to the database. All you'll need to do is to re-deploy the new WAR file and make it point to the same database. The easiest way to do that would be the following:

    1. Stop your application server and undeploy JRS WAR file. To do that just delete the existing WAR file or better move it to another location until the upgrade is complete. Afterwards delete the original WAR file if successful
    2. In JRS 7.1.1 buildomatic configure the default_master.properties to point to your application server and database. You need to configure appServerType, appServerDir, dbUsername, dbPassword, dbType, dbHost, dbPort. Configure other properties if needed. Please refer to the installation guide for details on how to configure default_master.properties file (https://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jasperreports-server-installation-guide/v71/installing-war-file-using-js-insta-0)
    3. Once everything is configured, go to buildomatic root and execute js-ant deploy-webapp-pro command to deploy the 7.1.1 WAR file
    4. Restart your application server

    This method works for only Tomcat, JBoss, Glassfish.

    For other web application servers you can do the upgrade-samedb.sh/bat or do a new deployment skipping all the steps required to configure the database. It's already configured for the current instance you're running.

    If you are upgrading from earlier version than 7.1.0, follow the steps from the 7.1.0 Upgrade Guide but apply them to the downloaded 7.1.1. They would be the same.

    If you need to port the customizations to the new version, check out this article to see what files were changed in 7.1.1 and apply customizations accordingly:


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