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  • Announcing the Releases of JasperReports® Server

    • Product: JasperReports® Server

    JasperReports® Server 8.2.0

    May 8, 2023

    JasperReports Server 8.2.0 adds these improvements:

    • JDK 17 Support

    Starting from JasperReports Server 8.2.0, JDK 17 is supported in Runtime mode, but only on Tomcat 9.0.x.

    • Report Splitting

    Users are now able to schedule a report in JasperReports Server that can be split into multiple pieces, and are then stored separately, or sent to different recipients based on report splitting markers found in the report itself. For more information, see the TIBCO JasperReports Server User Guide.

    • UI/UX Enhancements

         • Tool tip for calculated fields in Ad Hoc Designer. For more information, see the JasperReports Server User Guide.

         • Ability to close Editors and Viewers using a Close button. For more information, see the JasperReports Server User Guide and JasperReports Server Domains Guide.

         • Ability to navigate back from drill-down into parent report. A drill-down report contains a parent report and a sub-report. For more information about how to create them, see the JasperReports Server User Guide and Jaspersoft Studio User Guide.

    • Superuser ability to enable uploading .JAR files.

    By default, no one can upload or modify .JAR files for JDBC drivers from the UI. Now, the system administrator (superuser) can enable the setting and then upload or modify .JAR files. For more information, see the JasperReports Server User Guide.

    • Upgrade of Highcharts

    The Highcharts library is upgraded to version 10.1.0, which enables new breadcrumb navigation when drilling down interactively into chart data. The breadcrumbs appear automatically and let you navigate back to any previous level of drill down. In addition, overall chart behavior is more consistent with minor fixes to pie chart data levels, the order of fields in chart tooltips, and mouseover data in Visualize.js gauge charts.

    • XLSX Export Option

    An XLSX export option is now available in the Scheduler for running jobs with an XLS report. For more information, see the JasperReports IO User Guide, JasperReports Server REST API Reference, and the JasperReports Server User Guide.

    • Limiting Failed Login Attempts

    To prevent brute-force attacks against user and administrator accounts, the server can now lock an account after a configurable number of failed login attempts. The server now records failed login attempts and administrators may configure and set limit after which the account is disabled. An administrator must enable the account before it can be used again.

    Note: Only LDAP and External DB authentication are supported. CAS is not supported for JasperReports Server 8.2.0. For more information, see the JasperReports Server User Guide, JasperReports Server Administrator Guide, and the JasperReports Server Security Guide.

    • JasperReports Library Performance Improvements for Excel and CSV Output Formats

    The new version of JasperReports Library comes with a new property named 'net.sf.jasperreports.text.measurer.factory=naive', which enables skipping the measurement of string length for table and crosstab reports. This feature is particularly useful when exporting to data-centric formats such as CSV and Excel, where Excel has its own feature responsible for text measuring. However, when exporting to Excel, an additional property 'net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.auto.fit.row=true' must be added if the cells in Excel are expected to grow vertically to fit their contents. Without this property, texts that would have normally stretched may not be fully visible in Excel, although the full text would still be present in the cell and accessible when the cell is selected.

    Skipping these calculations can significantly speed up the generation of output files, by more than 50%. However, it is recommended to use this property with caution, as it may affect other output formats that rely on pixel-perfect calculations, such as PDF or HTML. It is advisable to use this property only on a report level and for reports that will be solely exported to CSV or Excel.

    • New property resolveRuntimeAdhocFilterLabels Added to applicationContext-adhoc.xml

    A new property has been introduced in applicationContext-adhoc.xml > resolveRuntimeAdhocFilterLabels. This property resolves the inconsistency between Adhoc View Filters and Filters/Input Controls labels in dependent Adhoc Reports/Dashboards/Visualize where operators were not previously shown, and it is disabled by default.

    To have Adhoc Designer resolve Ad Hoc filter labels at runtime, set this property to true and restart the application server. Otherwise (with default setting), you will need to re-save all the AdHoc views in order for the operator to be displayed in the dependent report, dashboard and in Visualize.

    Note: If the property is set to true (which means the UI ignores any custom labels given by user on the UI) and the existing dashboard has 2 views/reports with the same filters name, the UI uses the label sent by the server. As a result, those filters will have the same labels. For example, creating new dashboard with Country filter for both will display them as Country and Country2. For more information, see the JasperReports Server Administrator Guide.

    • Hibernate and Spring Security Update

    • Configuration to allow Private Networks Access for Visualize.js applications

    In the latest version of Chrome, a new feature called Private Network Access (PNA) has been introduced. This feature requires websites (for example Visualize.js application) to obtain explicit permission from servers on private networks before sending arbitrary requests. To enable PNA, the new header Access-Control-AllowPrivate-Network, must be included in pre-flight requests. For more information on how to enable this feature, see the JasperReports Server Visualize.js Guide.

    • New Operating System Versions

    This release adds support for several new operating system versions:

         • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) (64-bit) 8.7

         • Microsoft Windows 11 Pro, Server 2022

         • Apple MacOS 12.x

         • Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, 22.04 LTS

         • Fedora 34, 35

    • New Application Server Versions

    This release adds support for several new third-party application server versions:

         • JBOSS EAP 7.2

         • Oracle WebLogic,

         • Jetty Version 9.4.45.v20220203 (JRIO Pro)

    • New Database Versions

    This release adds support for several new third-party database versions:

         • PostgreSQL 13, 14

         • ElasticSearch 8.2.0

         • AWS Athena 3

         • AWS RDS - PostgreSQL 13, 14

    • New Platform Versions

    This release adds support for several new platform versions:

         • Kubernetes 1.22.x

         • Openshift 4.5.x+

    Changes in 8.2.0 Functionality

    • Simba drivers removed since JasperReports Server 8.2.0

    Simba drivers have been removed from JasperReports Server. If you have any resources that use or depend on any of the following Simba Drivers:

    • athena-jdbc42

    • cassandra-jdbc42

    • impala-jdbc42

    • neo4j-jdbc42

    • spark-jdbc42

    then you must manually install publicly available drivers (for example, Athena and Cassandra have the same Simba drivers publicly available). For other drivers, you must obtain the drivers which are recommended by the database vendor. After installing new drivers, update the resources in JasperReports Server to use the new drivers.

    • Hibernate Upgraded from 5.2 to 5.6

    The path for hibernate.properties file is now changed to WEB-INF/classes.

    • Excel Export Option Changes

    In export options (from JasperReports Server Administrator Guide, Jaspersoft Studio) the old Excel format (.xls, .xls-Paginated) has been removed and replaced with a new format (.xlsx and .xlsx- Paginated). Also, metadata exporter format is added for Excel.

    • Ability to decide where SVG files will be placed

    This release introduces a new configuration property to control if generated HighCharts image has to be embedded into HTML output or to be available as a separate file attachment, when rest_v2/reportExecutions task is submitted with parameter {"interactive": false}.

    • Deprecation of sample themes

    Sample themes are deprecated and will be removed in the future releases.

    • Deprecation of Jaspersoft OLAP views

    In this release, OLAP views are being deprecated. Users who still use them are encouraged to migrate to AdHoc views that are based on Mondrian or XMLA connections, as these views will continue to receive full support.

    • Calculated fields with aggregate expressions behavior change

    If a calculated field contains an aggregate expression and is used in another aggregate expression, it will always be calculated in memory. With this release, there is no need to explicitly set the inMemory setting to true for such functions.

    • Recommended Deployment Architecture to Handle the Third Party Cookies Browsers Policy

    Reports Executions and Input Controls cache are no longer user-session dependent. If the recommended architecture is applied, then the Visualize application will continue to work even if your application and JasperReports Server are deployed on different servers. For more information, refer to the Jaspersoft Community article "Recommended Architecture to Handle Browser Third Party Cookies Policy."

    For more details: https://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jasperreports-server-release-notes


    JasperReports® Server 8.0.4

    April 25, 2023

    JasperReports Server 8.0.4 is a maintenance release that addresses a driver update (Simba drivers removed from JasperReports Server Pro 8.0.4), and branding and copyright updates. All installations of 7.x and 8.0.x should upgrade to 8.0.4 as soon as possible. It is released in two formats:

    • As a cumulative service pack with patch files for the 8.0.x Commercial version. There is also a separate service pack for the Community version.

    • As a full binary WAR file that can be used to deploy JasperReports Server 8.0.4 from scratch or as an upgrade from any version 7.x directly to 8.0.4 (using samedb or newdb upgrade scripts).

    Changes in 8.0.4 Functionality

    Simba drivers are now removed from JasperReports Server

    If you have any resources that use or depend on any of the following Simba Drivers:

    • athena-jdbc42

    • cassandra-jdbc42

    • impala-jdbc42

    • neo4j-jdbc42

    • spark-jdbc42

    then you must manually install publicly available drivers (for example, Athena and Cassandra have the same Simba drivers publicly available). For other drivers, you must obtain the drivers which are recommended by the database vendor. After installing new drivers, update the resources in JasperReports Server to use the new drivers.

    For more details: https://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jasperreports-server-release-notes


    JasperReports® Server 8.1.1

    December 13, 2022

    JasperReports Server 8.1.1 is a maintenance release that addresses security vulnerabilities. All installations of 8.1.0 should upgrade to 8.1.1 as soon as possible. It is released in two formats:

    • As a cumulative service pack with patch files for the 8.1.0 Commercial version. There is also a separate service pack for the Community version.

    • As a full binary WAR file that can be used to deploy JasperReports Server 8.1.1 from scratch or as an upgrade from any version 8.0.x directly to 8.1.1.

    Changes in 8.1.1 Functionality

    • OLAP Views no longer supported.

    However, you can use OLAP connections and XMLA connections in AdHoc as before.

    • OLAP Scripts

    As of this release, the ability to use JavaScript as a formatter for values, members, etc. is now disabled by default. To enable it, edit /apache-tomcat/webapps/jasperserver-pro/WEB-INF/js.config.properties and set olap.mondrian.scripts.enabled to true.

    • Resolves CVE-2022-31197 vulnerability in pgjdbc driver (PostgreSQL JDBC driver)

    • Resolves CVE-2022-34169 vulnerability in Apache Xalan

    • Resolves CVE-2022-33980 vulnerability in Apache Commons2

    • Resolves CVE-2022-42889 vulnerability in Apache Commons Text

    • Resolves CVE-2021-29489 vulnerability in HighCharts

    • Minor improvements requested by customers.

    For more details: https://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jasperreports-server-release-notes


    JasperReports® Server 8.0.3

    December 13, 2022

    JasperReports Server 8.0.3 is a maintenance release that addresses security vulnerabilities. All installations of 7.x and 8.0.x should upgrade to 8.0.3 or 8.1.1 as soon as possible. It is released in two formats: 

    • As a cumulative service pack with patch files for the 8.0.x Commercial version.

    • As a full binary WAR file that can be used to deploy JasperReports Server 8.0.3 from scratch or as an upgrade from any version 7.x directly to 8.0.3 (using samedb or newdb upgrade scripts).

    Changes in 8.0.3 Functionality

    • OLAP Views no longer supported.

    However, you can use OLAP connections and XMLA connections in AdHoc as before.

    • OLAP Scripts 

    As of this release, the ability to use JavaScript as a formatter for values, members, etc. is now disabled by default. To enable it, edit /apache-tomcat/webapps/jasperserver-pro/WEB-INF/js.config.properties and set olap.mondrian.scripts.enabled to true.

    • Resolves CVE-2022-31197 vulnerability in pgjdbc driver (PostgreSQL JDBC driver)

    • Resolves CVE-2022-34169 vulnerability in Apache Xalan

    • Resolves CVE-2022-33980 vulnerability in Apache Commons2 

    • Resolves CVE-2022-42889 vulnerability in Apache Commons Text

    • Resolves CVE-2021-29489 vulnerability in HighCharts

    • Minor improvements requested by customers.

    • Fix JS-64375

    The fix introduces the fallbackColumnWidth property in applicationContext-adhoc.xml to the bean tableDefaults. That is a fallback value in case of an attempt to set column width to zero (for example, by resource import). Must be set to 0 or greater. The default value is `-1` which disables the fallback. Also, the com.jaspersoft.ji.adhoc.AdhocColumn logger is available to trace the source of the zero value if set to debug level.

    • Fix for JS-65763

    The fix introduces ability for Input Controls to use configurable`date.format`, `time.format` and `datetime.format` formats declared in the jasperserver_config.properties file.

    To enable feature:

    1. Open `js.spring.properties` file. 

    2. Comment out `bean.calendarFormatProvider=isoCalendarFormatProvider` line.

    3. Then, uncomment `bean.calendarFormatProvider=messagesCalendarFormatProvider` line.

    By default, Input Controls use previous behaviour and converts data with the standard ISO formats:

    • date: yyyy-MM-dd

    • time: HH:mm:ss

    • datetime: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss

    Fix JS-64844

    There is a new option, inputControl.handler.values.caseSensitive, in js.config.properties to turn on/off sensitivity for input control and filter. This case insensitive option only works for case insensitive database and default value is "true". Setting inputControl.handler.values.caseSensitive to "false" will turn off sensitivity.

    Fix JS-66815

    Domain calculated fields that have Sum, Average, Min, Max, Range, Mode, or other aggregate functions and are used in Adhoc Total, Grand Total, or Summary results will be calculated in-memory due to SQL limitations. You can find all aggregated defined functions in applicationContext-el-operators.xml definitions.

    For more details: https://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jasperreports-server-release-notes

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