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  • Regenerate Encypted config files without redeploying webapp/WAR


    Issue Description

    A customer's passwords to their database changed and they were using config file encryption described in the install guide's section "Encrypting passwords configuration"  (these steps are located in the Security Guide in newer versions of JRS). The guide's steps for "Encrypting passwords configuration" involve running js-install.bat/sh, but this will cause a full drop and redeploy of the JasperReports Server WAR / webapp. A customer needed to regenerate new files with the new password, but didn't want to drop the webpp / WAR


    A shortcut to avoid the full redeployment of the JasperReports Server webapp is to just run "js-ant refresh-config" from command-line instead of "js-install". Then you can manually copy the files which have the encrypted passwords, like buildomaticbuild_confdefaultwebappMETA-INFcontext.xml , over to the deployed webapp within your appserver.

    Ref. Case 00070670

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