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  • JDBC Drivers in JasperReports® Server

    Swagatika P
    • Edited on:
    • Features: JasperReports Server Version: v9.0.0 Product: JasperReports® Server

    Beginning with  JasperReports Server 9.0.0, the following  drivers will no longer be shipped with JasperReports® Server. However, they can be downloaded and installed from locations listed here
    Following is the list of JDBC drivers that can be used  with JasperReports® Server:

    1. Elasticsearch
    2. AzureSQL
    3. MongoDB
    4. CDP Driver to use Apache Hive 
    5. Apache Impala
    6. Neo4j 
    7. Apache Spark (SparkSQL)
    8. Snowflake
    9. Google Big Query
    10. AWS Athena
    11. Cassandra
    12. Hive CDP Connector to Apache Spark (SparkSQL)

    The list of drivers and location for accessing these drivers are provided for convenience only, and this does not constitute an endorsement or representation that these drivers are fit for any  particular purpose. You are solely responsible for the deployment and use of these drivers in connection with the JasperReports Server product.

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