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  • HTML5 Charts measure and bucket properties

    Friendly User
    • Features: Charts Version: v7.1 Product: JasperReports® Library

    HTML5 Charts can have dynamic properties defined on their buckets and measures that are evaluated at chart runtime. The propeties can be defined on category and series level (bucket level properties) and measures. Measure properties values can be applied to series properties, items within the series properties and hyperlinks.

    Bucket properties

    Bucket properties can be defined on category and series levels. You can do that by editing the series or category and switching to the Bucket Properties. You can create a property that would be applied to the series itself or define any arbitrary property that you want to be later passed to measure properties. For example you can define property "color" or "highlight." The property expression will be evaluated when series expression is evaluated. It's similar to how crosstabs work.

    Measure properties

    Measure properties can be defined on measure level. You can do that by editing the measure and switching to Advanced Properties tab. Advanced properties values can be defined for three contributors:

    • SeriesItemHyperlink - used for drill-down and hyperlinks (see TIBCO Jaspersoft® Studio User Guide, chapter 16.7.3, for more)
    • SeriesItemProperty - used for properties of items within the series. For example you want to explode all splices of the pie chart, then you need to use this contributor
    • SeriesProperty - used for the series as a whole. For example, you change color, type or data labels.

    Property name field defines which property is altered. You can get a list of properties here: https://api.highcharts.com/highcharts/ - select plotOptions or series properties. These are the ones we can change. You can just input the property name such as "color" or "type" or "sliced." You can access the lower level properties using dot: "dataLabels.enabled"

    The value of the property can come from four sources:

    • Use Constant value - this is just hardcoded value. Enter something that will make sense for the property you're changing like "true" or "5"
    • Use Bucket value - this comes from the bucket properties and levels we defined in Category or Series
    • Use Measre value - you can use the measure value (for example value of another measure or current measure)
    • Use Expression - you can define an expression that will be evaluated when the measure is evaluated. Here you can use parameters, variables and all sorts of TIBCO JasperReports® objects

    Check out the attached report that demonstrates how to use category and measure level properties.


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