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  • How to pass an XML Datasource to a Table Component

    • Product: JasperReports® Server

    Issue Description

    It is possible pass an XML Datasource to a jrxml's Table Component.


    The JasperReport Samples can be combined to provide information and examples of passing an XmlDatasource to a Table Component.   So we'll reference these:

    Subreport example:


    XmlDatasource example:


    The files can be used within Studio via File -> New -> Project , browsing to the JasperReports Samples project, then running the report against the "Sample DB" datasource where possible.

    Table Components, like charts and crosstabs get their data from "datasets".   A dataset is similar to a subreport in many ways, so a table and subreport are very similar.   The XmlDataSource sample's CustomersReport calls a subreport, so we can use it as the basis for our table.

    1. In typical subReport element you define either <connectionExpression> or <dataSourceExpression> to specify the source used to populate the sub.   (see Subreport example )

    2. In typical table component you specify the dataset via a datasetRun element, like:

      <datasetRun subDataset="TableDataset" 

      (for more info on datasets and datasetruns see the JR Ultimate Guide Datasets chapter)

    3. But as you've seen in XmlDatasource sample, instead of <connectionExpression> , the Xpath query executor (queryString language="xPath") can expect <subreportParameterExpression>$P{XML_DATA_DOCUMENT} .  You can do the same thing with table compoments, skip the datasetRun, and just set subreportParameterExpression>$P{XML_DATA_DOCUMENT}

    In the attached CustomersXmlMain.jrxml, I edited the XmlDataSource samples main report to remove the subreport and replace it with a table component.  To do this I:

    1. Ran the table wizard to get basic field layout.    

    2. Then I grabbed the query from the Xmldatasource example's subreport, OrdersReport.jrxml:

      <queryString language="xPath">
    3. Created a parameter for the table's dataset

    4. Edited the jrxml source, modifying the datasetRun to have three parameters, one for the parameterized query, the others for the Xpath executor:

      <datasetParameter name="CustomerID">
      <datasetParameter name="XML_DATA_DOCUMENT">
      <datasetParameter name="XML_DATE_PATTERN">



    Ref. Case 01438960


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