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  • How to delete multiple resource using CURL

    • Features: Repository Version: v7.9.0 Product: JasperReports® Server

    Issue Description:

    What is the CURL method which is used to delete multiple URL's/resources ?



    Ofter customer is bound to not use delete scripts running through the Jasperserver repository db as this might tamper and corrupt the database, Thus sometime customer requires  CURL commands to delete the resources for multiple URL at a time during their cleanup process instead of  manually doing through UI.
    Please find the below CURL command;
    curl --user "superuser" --request DELETE http://localhost:8081/jasperserver-pro/rest_v2/resources/public{/Testing/Report_1,/Testing/Report_2}


    Here, You need to use the { , } and add the urls you want to delete and also enter your Jasperserver password after entering the CURL command.

    For above eg considering I have two URL's with path need to be deleted. Report_1 path : /public/Testing/Report_1 Report_2 path : /public/Testing/Report_2
    Hope this helps..

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