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  • How to change context root when using Docker Compose

    Jim W
    • Features: Repository Version: v8.0.1 Product: JasperReports® Server


    By default, you would log into jasperserver using the default webapp name, e.g.


    Suppose you want to change it to,


    There is a standard set of files you need to change when dealing with a generic jasperserver installation.  The procedure will need to be modified when you are using Docker Compose.


    First, you will need to get familiar with the main guide here.


    Second, review the image build process.  Preferably try it a couple of times to be familiar with the process.


    You may skip the steps related to scalableQueryEngine if you want to deploy just jasperserver.

    Then when you are more comfortable with Docker Compose, you can proceed to customizing images.

    You would customize the image with the following steps. These changes rely on customization of features we introduced in the jaspersoft-containers project link above.

    1. These steps should be performed before building the image, and after the step when you did ./unpackWARInstaller.sh

    mkdir /tmp/jrs
    cd /tmp/jrs
    unzip /opt/docker/js-docker/jasperreports-server-pro-8.1.0-bin/jasperserver-pro.war

    2. edit /tmp/jrs/WEB-INF/web.xml




    3. edit /tmp/jrs/WEB-INF/js.quartz.properties, set


    4. edit /tmp/jrs/WEB-INF/js.diagnostic.properties, set

    diagnostic.name = myWebSite

    5. create folder customizations folder:

    cd /opt/docker/js-docker/jaspersoft-containers/Docker/jrs/resources/jasperserver-customization
    mkdir -p webapps/jasperserver-pro/WEB-INF

    6. copy edited files

    cd /opt/docker/js-docker/jaspersoft-containers/Docker/jrs/resources/jasperserver-customization/webapps/jasperserver-pro/WEB-INF
    cp /tmp/jrs/WEB-INF/web.xml /tmp/jrs/WEB-INF/js.quartz.properties /tmp/jrs/WEB-INF/js.diagnostic.properties ./

    7. edit Docker/jrs/Dockerfile

    In the line before EXPOSE 8080 8443, add

    RUN mv $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/jasperserver-pro $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/myWebSite

    8. now you can build images using Docker Compose and then start jasperserver using Docker Compose

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