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  • Export to xlsx failed with no error in the log

    Jim W
    • Features: Exporters Version: v7.5.0 Product: JasperReports® Server

    Problem Description:

    When clicking export to xlsx, the application fails with opening a new tab showing the log in page instead of downloading the spreadsheet.  No error in the jasperserver.log or Tomcat logs.


    There might be many reasons for this problem.  If everything else looks good and you still don't know why it is failing.  Check the maxParameterCount value in the Tomcat file server.xml.

    Also, compare that the number of values returning to an input control.  If the number of rows exceeds the value set in maxParameterCount, you will get this failure with no error in the log.  You will get a token missing error, if the token key is truncated in the POST call generated by jasperserver.

    You can increase the value of maxParameterCount or simply set it to -1 to have no limit.  A harder solution would be to redesign the report to reduce the number of values you are getting.  Perhaps using cascading input controls.



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    Hi  sir , please help me when i am running the report on the jasperserver report exicuted succsessfully data more Showning properly jasperserver . when i try to downoad excel format the report is not downloading .. getting more time how to solve this issus .. i think total data is 8 crore .. Give me solution Sir .

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