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JasperReports Library 7.0 is now available ×
  • Creating Your First Report using the Table Component


    We have all had experience looking at static reports and wishing we could filter, re-sort, or even highlight particular data points as we analyze what the data means. Many times, this has involved exporting the data to another tool, such as Excel, and doing additional analysis there  - or worse, asking the report developer to create yet another report to make changes that we should be able to do on our own.

    With the table component for JasperReports combined with the JasperReports Server platform (Community and Commercial Editions), we have introduced the beginning of what will be some very exciting interactivity features for the consumers of your reports.

    The table component adds additional structural elements so that JasperReports not only understands the layout of the individual elements that make up the columns and rows within your tables, but also recognizes the relationship between these elements. With this understanding of the element relationships, we can now introduce additional intelligence within the final report output that will make the reports more interactive and allow you to conduct the additional analysis of information, that you may not have anticipated prior to seeing the data, directly through the report output to make faster, more informed decisions.

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