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  • AWS Datasource set up failure on Aurora type RDS cluster instance

    Jim W

    Issue Description

    The following error may occur when you are trying to set up an AWS datasource connecting to an Aurora type RDS instance which is a cluster

    Exception occurred during AWS data source recovery:.The specified DB Instance is a member of a cluster and its vpc security group should not be modified directly.  Instead, modify the vpc security group of the cluster using the ModifyDbCluster API (Service: AmazonRDS; Status Code: 400; Error Code: InvalidParameterCombination; Request ID: a07d10fb-529e-11e6-8afe-c7632c28ff11) Show Details


    - This is a bug, and it has been reported as JS-32582.  We should be able to identify the Aurora Cluster and change the proper Security group.  Aurora is a Amazon made MySQL high performance DB.  This problem does not occur with standard MySQL.

    - Workaround: you can modify the cluster security group manually from EC2 Console so the JRS instance has access rights to it and then you should be able to connect to it.




    Ref. Case 00070238

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    Don't forget to Disable "Automatically Set Up Access Rule for JasperReports Sever" in Server Settings/Cloud Settings for manual security management.

    Another option is to switch to JDBC Datasource and provide all required parameters manually.

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