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  • Is it possible to determine where a Jasper report is being ran?

    Sarthak Chaudhary
    • Features: JasperReports Server Version: v7 Product: JasperReports® Server


    Is it possible to find which user has run a report from either TIBCO JasperReports® Server or from their embedded application (using Viz.js)

    Is it possible to determine if a report is run directly in JasperReports Server and when a report is run using embedded reports in a custom application? 


    In order to determine where the end-user is accessing the report from a non-prompt (hidden) parameter can be created. This parameter (P_URL) is used in the hyperlink in an IF statement were based on true or false the condition is passed onto the jasper server. This is relatively straightforward for TIBCO Jaspersoft® Studio however for the Vizualize.js, if the end-user must be redirected to the embedded application (visulaize.js) then a similar call must be passed through Viz.js defining the parameter's value to be false which would then correspondingly select the 2nd value in the IF statement. 

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