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  • How to Workaround "Not enough space to render the crosstab" Error When Creating Ad-Hoc Report With Custom Template

    • Features: Ad Hoc, Reports Version: v6.3 Product: JasperReports® Server

    Issue Description

    I created a crosstab Ad Hoc view with more than 7 columns and saved it without any issues. But when I try to create a report using a custom developed template or any other except 'Actual Size', I get "Not enough space to render the crosstab." error.

    I can create a report with 'Actual Size' only template, but I have to apply my custom one.


    The 'Actual size' template works for the crosstab because it allows the crosstab to freely stretch horizontally to the right.

    The other templates impose the crosstab to fit within the page width, and if the crosstab has many row groups, the group headers do not fit within the page. As a result, "Not enough space to render the crosstab." error generated.

    The 'Actual Size' template contains a special property that tells the engine to stretch the report horizontally:

    <property name="com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.adhoc.actual.size" value="true"/>


    To be added to a custom template, the property allows to generate reports with 'wide' crosstab and avoid the error.

    This solution was tested with TIBCO JasperReports® Server v.6.3.0.

    Ref. Case 01443851


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