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  • How To Omit Problematic Resources In Full Repository Export

    • Features: Exporters, Repository Product: JasperReports® Server


    During upgrading JasperReports® Server versions or moving to the new instances the export process from current instance is reported as successful.
    However, you encountered 'java.lang.StackOverflowError' when trying to import the data to the new instance.

    [java]  -- JasperServer:  EhCacheImpl shutdown called.  This normal shutdown operation.
    [java]  -- JasperServer:  EhCacheImpl calling cleanerTimer.cancel().  This normal shutdown operation.
    [java]  -- JasperServer:  ProfileAttributeCacheImpl shutdown called.  This normal shutdown operation.
    [java] Exception in thread "main" java.lang.StackOverflowError


    There is information about failed imported resources above this error in the log file.

    Move this problematic resource to temp folder under the organization using user interface. Then, when doing 'export --everything' from the existing site, the problematic resource won't get exported, because all resources from temp folder aren't exported.

    Another workaround for this case could be removing folder and files with this resource inside the archive export.zip, rebuilding it, and importing to the new instance once again. However, these steps should be done very accurately and carefully (there is an option to damage some dependencies or all archive as well)

    VO - 20180816, case #01618168

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