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  • Dealing with collection parameters for array function such as PostgreSql overlap for a table column

    • Features: Reports Version: v7.2 Product: Jaspersoft® Studio

    Use case:

    [toc on_off::hide=1]

    A user has a multiselect parameter of type java.util.Collection and Nested type is java.lang.String. He has to pass the selected value in array field like below -

    AND l."groupIds" && ARRAY['String1', 'String2] 

    here ARRAY[selected_param_value].


    $X{} construction does not work. It appears, operator array_field && ARRAY[] works a bit differently. If there is atleast one element in ARRAY that exists in atleast one row of array_field, this field gets displayed. $X{} won't work here, as, it does not support array function such as PostgreSql overlap for a table column.


    In attachments you can find a sample report i developed for the reference. You will also need a sample data. The sample table can be created using query below: 

    Query for table:

    CREATE TABLE posts ( 
    title text NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, 
    tags text[] 
    INSERT INTO posts (title, tags) values 
    ('1', '{"postgres", "replication"}'), 
    ('2', '{"go", "queues", "goroutines"}'), 
    ('3', '{"postgres", "go", "triggers"}'), 
    ('4', '{"mysql", "monitoring", "opsdash"}'); 

    My example is for Strings but it can be done for any type. So, basically the idea is next: 

    1. Create parameter type of java.util.List, nested type String (in that case), as below. Providing default value expression is optional. I did it just to not waste time applying parameter values. 

      <parameter name="ValuesList" class="java.util.List" nestedType="java.lang.String"> 
      <defaultValueExpression><![CDATA[Arrays.asList(new String[] {"postgres", "go", "mysql"})]]></defaultValueExpression> 
    2. Create parameter type of String, which parses the list we created in step 1 and makes it readable by psql syntax. Note, it should be String, also, DefaultValueExpression is essential, and prompting should be disabled. 

      <parameter name="FinalParam" class="java.lang.String" isForPrompting="false"> 
      <defaultValueExpression><![CDATA[$P{ValuesList}.toString().replace("[", "'{").replace("]", "}'")]]></defaultValueExpression> 
    3. Use second parameter in query like below: 

      <queryString language="SQL"> 
      select * from posts 
      where tags && $P!{FinalParam} 

    Please, note: query uses parameter with syntax $P! with "!" symbol. It is required for parameter to be passed to query as plain text, not being evaluated. If evaluated the report with throw the error regarding casting type.


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