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  • Cannot save schedule after upgrade

    Jim W
    • Features: Scheduler Version: v7.5.0 Product: JasperReports® Server

    Problem Description:

    You are attempting to upgrade from 7.2 to 7.5 through buildomatic update-samedb method. However, this system was upgraded from v3x to v3x then to v7x. Everything seems to be working except for saving on the scheduling screen. It appears that the query is trying to update JIReportJobRepoDest and insert somthing that can not fit into the columns.

    The full response from the server is:

     "message".  : "could not execute batch: String or binary data would be truncated.",
     "errorCode" : "illegal.parameter.value.error"
      2020-03-18T16:01:23,277 ERROR SqlExceptionHelper,http-nio-8080-exec-4:131 - String or binary data would be truncated. JRS
    | 2020-03-18T16:03:45,532 ERROR BatchingBatch,http-nio-8080-exec-1:120 
      - HHH000315: Exception executing batch [java.sql.BatchUpdateException: String or binary data would be truncated.],
        SQL: update JIReportJobRepoDest
                set version=?, folder_uri=?, sequential_filenames=?, overwrite_files=?,
                    save_to_repository=?, output_description=?, timestamp_pattern=?, 
                    using_def_rpt_opt_folder_uri=?, output_local_folder=?, user_name=?,
                    password=?, server_name=?, folder_path=?, ssh_private_key=?
              where id=? and version=?
        ERROR SqlExceptionHelper,http-nio-8080-exec-1:131 - String or binary data would be truncated. 


    The table affected is as follows, see below.

    Check the following column. It should have a width of 250. During one of the various upgrades, it might have missed the change from 50 to 250.

    The workaround for v7.2.0 or v7.5.0 would be to change this value manually on the database.

    password character varying(250)

    CREATE TABLE jireportjobrepodest
    ( id                           bigint    NOT NULL, 
      version                      integer   NOT NULL,
      folder_uri                   character varying(250),
      sequential_filenames         boolean   NOT NULL,
      overwrite_files              boolean   NOT NULL,
      save_to_repository           boolean   NOT NULL,
      output_description           character varying(250),
      timestamp_pattern            character varying(250),
      using_def_rpt_opt_folder_uri boolean   NOT NULL,
      output_local_folder          character varying(250),
      user_name                    character varying(50),
      password                     character varying(250),
      server_name                  character varying(150),
      folder_path                  character varying(250),
      ssh_private_key              bigint,
      CONSTRAINT jireportjobrepodest_pkey    PRIMARY KEY (id),
      CONSTRAINT fkba2wg3iix8mr5wcjq6004ekvw FOREIGN KEY (ssh_private_key)
    ALTER TABLE jireportjobrepodest OWNER TO postgres;
    GRANT ALL ON TABLE jireportjobrepodest TO postgres;
    GRANT ALL ON TABLE jireportjobrepodest TO jasperdb;

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