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  • sthomas_3
    • Features: JasperReports Server, User Interface Version: v6.0 Product: JasperReports® Server

    To add a custom Menu, we will need to modify some javascript and xml configuration files. If you need help finding these files, please see: JasperReports Server WEB-INF Directory Locations

    1. Edit the file WEB-INF/actionModel-navigation.xml

      Add a separator tag and an option tag for the menu item

      <option labelKey="NAV_028_ACCOUNTS" action="primaryNavModule.navigationOption" actionArgs="accounts"/>

      Note:  NAV_028_ACCOUNTS is a label key which we will be referring to in the properties file and "accounts" is an action argument which we will refer to in a javascript file

    2. Edit the file WEB-INF/bundles/pro_nav_messages.properties

      Add the line for the NAV_028_ACCOUNTS property with an appropriate value, in this case, MyCompany Accounts

      NAV_027_SEARCH=Search Results
      NAV_028_ACCOUNTS=MyCompany Accounts

      Note: MyCompany Accounts is name of custom Menu which will appear in the User Interface.

    3. Edit file scripts/bower_components/jrs-ui/src/actionModel.primaryNavigation.js, (the scripts directory is at the same level as the WEB-INF directory)

      Add a URL and parameters to load the desired page in response to selecting the new accounts menu item. In the case of this example, the action is to perform a search for all reports with the word account in their name or description.

      report  : {url   : "flow.html",
                 params: "_flowId=searchFlow&mode=search&filterId=resourceTypeFilter&filterOption=resourceTypeFilter-reports&searchText="
      accounts: {url   : "flow.html",
                 params: "_flowId=searchFlow&mode=search&filterId=resourceTypeFilter&filterOption=resourceTypeFilter-reports&searchText=account"
      olap    : {url   : "flow.html",
                 params: "_flowId=searchFlow&mode=search&filterId=resourceTypeFilter&filterOption=resourceTypeFilter-view&searchText="

      Note:  accounts has a url, flow.html, and parameter associated with it. The tag says that it will open the search repository and will give the list of resources with account as a search keyword

    4. Edit the file WEB-INF/js.config.properties

      # Control default value of javascript optimization in runtime

      Note: By default the value is true , can make it to false, or, instead of editing this file you could directly use the url as below:


    5. Save the modified files and reload the web app in the app server.

    The result should be as shown below:


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