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Can I use jasperreports on web

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By: i2okk - i2okk

Can I use jasperreports on web

2006-05-04 10:32


I’m start to use jasperreports with ireport only few days ago, but I think these are a useful tools. I don’t know java so I would like to know if I could use these tools on web.

I have a hosting with php language but without java (I can not install any software) and I would like to know if there is some method to use jasperreport to create a report of data contained in a text file on server.

I’m sorry for my bad english I hope someone can help me.

Thank you





By: bpatel@exitrealty.com - bpatel96

RE: Can I use jasperreports on web

2006-05-09 13:17

well you have to learn a little basic of jsp,

easy way is to use samples given in jasperreports project ,it also has a websamples

here are the steps

use ireport to create jrxml file

then you need to use java code

I recommend you use samples they help a lot





By: Sherman Wood - sgwood

RE: Can I use jasperreports on web

2006-05-09 19:48


There are several downloads from JasperReports showing JasperReports in a web application. The MySQL Dashboard has a simple framework you can modify for your needs.


OpenReports is a web application for running JasperReports, as is JasperIntelligence http://jasperintel.sourceforge.net (built by the JasperReports team).



Sherman Wood


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