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Create a report

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By: Yves - y_lavoie

Create a report

2006-03-09 07:44



In my application we create report in a string buffer without save on disk, is it possible to create report from a buffer with JasperReport??






By: Sanjeev Saha - sanjeevsaha

RE: Create a report

2006-03-13 06:57

Hello Yves:


It is certainly possible to create a report from a buffer. Here's an example to get the report design using a String.


InputStream inputStream = new java.io.ByteArrayInputStream(stringDesign.getBytes("UTF-8"));

JasperDesign jDesign = JRXmlLoader.load(inputStream);


jDesign will now be the object model used by the Jasper engine to compile the report and generate the JasperReport object.


For your situation, you'll need to convert the buffer into a byte[] depending on what kind of buffer it is.






By: stone_cold - bssai

RE: Create a report

2006-03-13 20:46

Hi Sanjeev,


I am new to Jasper reports.


I want to create reports using JR and i am gettign the data from d/b. We are using the hibernate db. One of the problem i am facing is I dont want to use the .jrxml file to get my design template instead i want to do it with noxmldesign.


If u see the src in JR under the demo/samples folder u have sumthing called as noxmldesign which tells u how to do create a report without using an xml template(thats basically by creating a JasperDesign Object) now comming back to my actual query :


if u look into this files...we have a setQuery () method which queries the data and retreives it..but my problem is i already have the data and i dont want to requery is there any way possible to do it.


Or even if possible can u let me know about the sequential order of generating reports using the JasperDesign object.


Looking ahead for +ve reply.



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