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Error executing report query

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By: mezclax - mezclax

Error executing report query

2004-08-24 05:23

Dear all;

I have this prob when i try to view the report in the web using jasper report. Could anyone please help me.

FYI, i also test the query statement in the oracle db, it's works fine.


Thank you in advance





[java] 89839 [socketListener-0] ERROR jasper.JasperReportServer - Error cr

eating report: Error executing report query :


[java] SELECT kmsEventlog.*, eventActivityId.description, statusId.StatusD

esc, kioskInfo.FriendlyName FROM ((kmsEventlog inner join eventActivityId on kms

Eventlog.eventActivityId = eventActivityId.ID) inner join statusId on kmsEventlo

g.StatusValue = statusId.StatusValue ) inner join kioskInfo on kmsEventlog.kiosk

Id = kioskInfo.KioskId ;






By: Chuck Deal - cdeal

RE: Error executing report query

2004-08-24 05:37

You said that you tested it in oracle and since it doesn't look like there is a syntax problem (at least at first glance). then I can only think of one other thing.


I know in our web app we have one db user that all connections run as and we also have an admin account. Is it possible you are testing that SQL as one user but that your web app is running as another user? Possibly a user who does not have permission to run that SQL?





By: mezclax - mezclax

RE: Error executing report query

2004-08-24 19:41

Thanks for the info Chuck. I tested the Sql for the oracle with the same user that i define in the web app. But in the oracle it can run the query statement but not in the web app.




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