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jsp + jasper report + (mysql or oracle)

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By: pjsebastian - pjsebastian

jsp + jasper report + (mysql or oracle)

2004-06-21 01:14

Sorry for my English


I try to show a report in a webapplication in which mysql or oracle is its database but I don´t know how I can do it


The example which comes with the jasper report I can see but now I want to use another database like (mysql or oracle) and I don´t know to change to show data of this databases


Anybody can I help me with details, please?







By: GTI - gtigti

RE: jsp + jasper report + (mysql or oracle)

2004-06-21 02:31

use :


jasperPrint =







while conn is your connection object







By: sunnf - sunnf

RE: jsp + jasper report + (mysql or oracle)

2004-06-21 21:54

//Change these settings according to your local configuration

String driver = "oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver";

String connectString = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@";

String user = "codb1";

String password = "codb1";



Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(connectString, user, password);


copy ojdbc14.jar to your lib

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