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textelement's paragraph settings lineSpacing and lineSpacingSize are ignored while exporting to PPT

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  I am using jasper reports library 6.20.5 in my app. I have a situation where I have lot of text (that spans multiple lines) and need to limit the paragraph line spacing. I have used some thing like <paragraph lineSpacing="Fixed" lineSpacingSize="7"/> for this text element. It works perfectly with pdf export. But when I try to do ppt export (JRPptxExporter), it seems like this whole property is ignored. I tried to find if there are any specific configuration that I can set to resolve this but I couldn't find any.  Is there anything I can do to resolve this or is it a known issue? Any pointers to resolve it are appreciated. Thank you.


  <reportElement style="footNote" x="10" y="10" width="650" height="60" uuid="33436f6d-70bc-4365-b175-f31cca77692f"/>
  <textElement verticalAlignment="Bottom" markup="styled">
    <paragraph lineSpacing="Fixed" lineSpacingSize="7"/>
  <textFieldExpression><![CDATA["some text that spans many lines"]]></textFieldExpression>


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