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PDF conformance with Jasperreports

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 I'm reaching out to discuss a critical issue that has come to our attention pertaining to our employment of Jasper for PDF form development. It appears forms are falling short with respect to PDFA_1A standards, specifically, accessibility tags. This potentially hinders universal usability and can cause complications for customers who rely on assistive technologies. The primary issue lies in how images are depicted within these forms - rather than come as "figure", they're presented as "Image". This is particularly problematic for users depending on screen readers or similar assistive tools because these devices fail to read the alternative text for the image due to this misrepresentation. .

Thus, it's imperative that we swiftly rectify this issue and ensure compliance with PDFA_1A standards across all our PDF forms. We've already attempted addressing this by implementing specific code adjustments, yet the problem persists - graphics continue being displayed as Image tags instead of Figure. Your urgent assistance in this matter would be greatly appreciated; we'd be grateful if you could investigate and help us fix these issues related to accessibility tags in PDF forms.  Thank you in advance for your cooperation and prompt response. 



	SimplePdfExporterConfiguration configuration = new SimplePdfExporterConfiguration();
			// Include structure tags for PDF/A-1a compliance; unnecessary for PDF/A-1b
			// Uncomment the following line and specify a valid path for the ICC profile
//			configuration.setIccProfilePath("path/to/ICC/profile");

			FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream("build/reports/FirstJasper_pdfa.pdf");
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