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Upgrading Jasper Reports Engine from 6.3.1 to 6.20.3, getting this error java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.lowagie.text.Document.setGlyphSubstitutionEnabled. Any Suggestion to correct this?

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  • rahulreddy1249 changed the title to Upgrading Jasper Reports Engine from 6.3.1 to 6.20.3, getting this error java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.lowagie.text.Document.setGlyphSubstitutionEnabled. Any Suggestion to correct this?
Posted (edited)

I was encountering the same problem.  

The code issue was thrown within the Jasper:


java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: com.lowagie.text.Document.setGlyphSubstitutionEnabled(boolean)


Found that openpdf-1.3.30.jaspersoft.3.jar had the necessary method, but was still not getting recognized.  

Identified that iText-2.1.7.jar also has a similar file structure - but not the method:


Removed the conflicting iText-2.1.7 jar file.  And the code worked.  Hope this helps.

Edited by parimalam.viswanath
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Hello parimalam.viswanath,

Thanks for the reply, i added openpdf-1.3.30.jaspersoft.3.jar to the WEB-INF/lib folder and removed the iText-2.1.7.jar, still getting the same error.
Do i need to do anything after adding the JAR.

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