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'Return Value" in Print when expression


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Hello everyone, 

I need to tackle the following issue. 

I have a Group Header with Footer, and a Column Footer. 

In the Group Footer there is a subreport. The report is printed in multiple pages and when the Group comes to the end the Footer with the subrerport is printed, too. 

Now, i want the Group Header and Column Footer to be printed only in the pages before the subreport is printed. In other words, in the page where the Subreport is printed i don't want to see the Group Header and Column Footer. 

I have managed to solve this only for the Column Footer, using a return value ($V{FooterLvl2_} -  integer) which returns the value '1' in the page of the main report which prints the subreport. In all other pages is null. Then, in the print when expression of the Column Footer, I type $V{FooterLvl2_}.equals( 1 )==false. It worked! However, the same expression for the Group Header it doesn't work. The same return value is always null there. I ve tried with all Reset Types but no joy. Any suggestions? 

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Kindly try with below and check it. 

1. Create a variable: First, create a variable in your main report to track whether the subreport has been printed on the current page. Let's call this variable "subreportPrinted" and set its initial value to false. The variable will be used to determine the visibility of the Group Header and Column Footer.

2. Update the subreport: In the subreport, create a variable to set the "subreportPrinted" variable in the main report to true when the subreport is printed. Make sure this variable is evaluated on each page.

3. Configure the Group Header: In the Group Header band properties, set the "Print When Expression" to $V{subreportPrinted} == false. This will hide the Group Header when the subreport has been printed.

4. Configure the Column Footer: In the Column Footer band properties, set the "Print When Expression" to $V{subreportPrinted} == false. This will hide the Column Footer when the subreport has been printed.

 Hope this will help you to tackle your problem.

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