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Compatibility Issues between Intel i7 vPro Laptop and Jaspersoft


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Hey everyone,

I hope you're all doing well. I wanted to reach out to the community regarding a compatibility issue I'm currently facing with my Intel i7 vPro laptop and Jaspersoft. I'm hoping someone might have some insights or suggestions to help me resolve this problem.

Here's the situation: I recently upgraded my laptop to an Intel i7 vPro model, as I required the additional processing power and enhanced security features for my work. However, since the upgrade, I've been experiencing some challenges when using Jaspersoft, a popular business intelligence reporting tool.

The main problem I'm encountering is that Jaspersoft seems to be running sluggishly and, at times, freezes completely on my laptop. It's worth mentioning that I have the latest version of Jaspersoft installed, and it worked perfectly fine on my previous laptop, which had a different processor.

I've tried a few troubleshooting steps, such as reinstalling Jaspersoft and updating all relevant drivers on my laptop, but unfortunately, the issue persists. I've also reached out to the Jaspersoft support team, but their response has been rather limited, and they haven't been able to provide a satisfactory solution so far.

I'm wondering if anyone else in the community has encountered a similar problem with Jaspersoft on an Intel i7 vPro laptop or if you have any suggestions on how to resolve this compatibility issue. Perhaps there are specific settings or configurations that need to be adjusted, or maybe there's a known workaround that could help me get Jaspersoft running smoothly on my current system.

Any advice, tips, or experiences you can share would be greatly appreciated. I rely on Jaspersoft for my work, and it's becoming quite frustrating to deal with these performance issues. I'm hoping that together, we can find a solution and make Jaspersoft work seamlessly on my Intel i7 vPro laptop.

Thank you all in advance for your support and expertise!

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Thank you for posting to the Jaspersoft Community. Our team of experts has read your question and we are working to get you an answer as quickly as we can. If you have a Jaspersoft Professional Subscription plan, please visit https://support.tibco.com/s/ for direct access to our technical support teams offering guaranteed response times.

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Hello shrutigrover97,

please note that JasperServer is an application that runs in the Java Virtual Machine that provides an abstraction of the machine you use at the hardware level.

What you can do is provide more memory to the Java Virtual Machine, also depending on the physically available memory.

For example for a Windows/Tomcat installation, you can modify the Tomcat bin/setenv.bat file to give up to 8 Giga of memory to the JVM, using the following line.

set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Xms2048m -Xmx8192m -XX:PermSize=32m

This is just an example and to have a more specific configuration for your installation you need to know its details.


Hope it helps.

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