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how to generate / retrieve report from server


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I have looked over the documentation, and other sources but have still not figured out how to achieve what I need...  I have installed jasper server on our server.  I have written software, (it runs on the apache server that also houses jasperreports)  in Xojo (similar to visual basic) that is used to process payrolls.  I have created the reports and loaded it onto the jasper report server... I need the syntax to have my webserver generate and display the report that is called from the xojo program (again, running as a web app on the same server as jasperrepots) login, generate, and print the reports (paychecks) that are generated.

The payroll program is web-based; so, the request to generate/print the reports would be in the form of an HTTP request (URL). I don't understand the format from the examples of the HTTP request.

Also, is there a way to use the same report with different databases without having to have a separate data source file for each database?  For example, we have to print payrolls whose data resides in different databases, but use the same report template.


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I would like to begin by declaring that I may not understand your question.
Therefore, please understand that I may not be able to help you as an answer.

- Answer to the first question
For example, how to write the URL for report execution is described in the following manual.
  -->Executing ReportUnits

A sample of the simplest way to write a URL


- Answer to the second question
For example, I think it may be possible to achieve this by using the login user attribute.
Specifically, it is possible to change the database to connect to for each login user.

For details, please refer to the following manual.


I hope this is useful to you.



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