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Subreport working in Jasper Studio, but not Jasper Server


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Our main query returns 11 rows, 1 for each restaurant.  For each of those rows, we want to show 3 subreports, each of which may contain 0-multiple rows.  The query of each subreport relies on 3 parameters, 2 of which are entered when running the master report, and the third is the unique ID for the restaurant. In testing the first sub-report in Jasper Studio, it produced the expected result,  multiple rows for each distinct restaurant. Testing it in Jasper Server, no error is received, each of the rows from the main query are shown, but no subreport results appear for any of the restaurants. Why does it work in Jasper Studio but not Server? Where should we be looking (properties, etc.) for the problem?

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Not familiar with jasper server but thinking about what to check I would make sure any paths to the subreport are valid in the server enviroment. Also is it possible that the database is diffent on the server. Is the version of Java used to compile the report on you dev enviroment the same as is used on the server ?  Sorry if thats not helpful - all I could think of.

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Did you try run the sub report as a separate report first in the server see how that's showing up ? 

Normally in a non-complex report, I test the sub report independet of master report then link. 

The other thought on my head is that the paths of the sub-reports should be taken as repo: instead of physical drive paths for the sub reports. 

In recent times, I have created a fundamental video on sub reports that is aviable to watch on YouTube @ : 

Check if this could be of any hlep.!

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