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I want to add Conditional Styling in the Table Element


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I have fceing issue in table element for applying styling for perticular data inside the field!!!!

i want to add styling for perticulat data like BOLD so here i am using Conditional style but it was not affecting on preview please see below code which i am writting inside my jrxml source

<style name="Style1" markup="styled">
            <conditionExpression><![CDATA[$F{seqno2}==999 && $F{Description}!==null ]]></conditionExpression>
            <style isBold="true"/>

in abvoe code i want apply style for perticular data and i am writing a condition for that if $F{seqno2}==999 && $F{Description}!==null then it will show ing as a bold but it will not work 

please provide any other solution for this issue !!!!


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 i have used above solution but it will not worked in my case 

In my case I have field in table element in that one of the field having multiple record i want show perticulat record in that field as BOLD so which conditional style  i have to set or is there any other solution ?


please provide any other solution !!!!!!!!

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It seems I did not understand your requirements.
Here is what I tried for your reference.

- Preview Image

- style design

- table degign


* Changed seqno2 to Integer type, so some of the expressions have been changed.
* I have added a modifier in red to make the style change easier to understand.

I hope this is helpful.


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Thanks For Reply !!!!


I am  explain in detail  with my case and attachment as following  :-

Table Design:


*in above image description field contains multiple data or record in that data I want  to make perticular data as a BOLD

Preview Image:


*In above image i want to make perticular data   as a Bold for TOTAL EQUITIES  and i dont want to make all data as a bold

So ,for this issue i am doing as you mention in your reply  but it's not  working 

please provide any other solution !!!

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This is just a guess.

The three numeric items that exist in the table item, in your screenshot it looks like they are set to Bold.
If you set them here, they would take precedence over Style, so I guess all the rows are set to Bold.
If your guess is correct, then remove the setting from the 'Inheritance' tab.
Hover your mouse over the item and click on the red mark.





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Thanks For Reply!!!!

 This solution i am trying before this  but it wont be worked 

i am sharing images with you what i want to exactly...

Table preview:


*Inside $F{Desription} field i have multiple data and i want to make bold perticular data,below is image of my current report preview

Table Preview:


*In above image which i am highlighted data  that row i want to make Bold

And i am tryied as you can mention in your reply 

please provide any other solution !!! 


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