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How to draw a chart with multiple


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I am using JAVA with beans to create a jasper report with a chart that has two series.

The data I put to tje JasperFillManager has the following structure:

public class Dot {  Double x;  Double y;// Getter and Setter here ...}public class Payload {  ArrayList<Dot> defaultPoints;  ArrayList<Dot> sprintPoints;  // Getter and Setter here ...}...Map<String,Object> parameters = new HashMap<String,Object>();Payload payload = new Payload();// fill payload with values for defaultPoints and sprintPoints...parameters.put("payload", payload);...JasperPrint jasperPrint = JasperFillManager.fillReport(reportPath, parameters);[/code]

I have a main report (including a parameter "payload") which contains a subreport. In the subreport I want to draw the chart. The subreport has the paraneter "payload", too and the main report is passing the value to the subreport.

The subreport has two fields:

x: java.lang.Double
y: java.lang.Double

I inserted a char element (XY Line) and set Y value to $F{y} and X value to $F{x}.

I have added two series. How can I assign defaultPoints to Series 1 and sprintPoints to Series 2?




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I found a solution how it works.

public class Dot {  Long x;  Double y;  String graphName;// Getter and Setter here}public class Chart {  ArrayList<Dot> punkte;// Getter and Setter here}[/code]

Each dot needs to know to which series it belongs.

So, the series value must be $F{graphName}

JasperReports detects a new series name and starts with a new series

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