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Differences between JasperStudio PDF and Java generated PDF


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Hello guys,

I have a question regarding the PDF generation in Japsersoft Studio. Were planning to develop reports in Jaspersoft Studio and deploy the .jasper-Files to our hosts. When we need the report a java program on the host uses the .jasper-file to generate the report. We are using a style file and a custom font as well. The problem is, that if we generate the pdf-file through our java programm, we experience major differences in comparison to the pdf-preview in studio. Some elements are not displayed in the report. If we reduce the font size in the stylefile its working. However this is not necessary in the studio - the pdf generation works fine with the bigger font size. The font is embedded in the pdffile.

The main lines in our java programm:

JasperReport jasperReport = (JasperReport) JRLoader.loadObjectFromFile(jr_kompilat_path.toString());
JasperPrint jasperPrint = JasperFillManager.fillReport(jasperReport, map, conn);
JasperExportManager.exportReportToPdfFile(jasperPrint, outputPath);

I must assume that the Studio generates the PDF in a different way than our java programm. We are using Jaspersoft Studio 6.11 and the jasperreports-*6.11*.jar's. I copied the jars directly from the Studio, so there should be no differences.

We are developing at a windows server and use the .jasper-files directly from the JaspersoftWorkspace. The java program runs on a linux host with jdk 8.

Do you have any suggestions how to solve this problem? Thank you for your time!

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Yes I did, its getting embedded and used in the PDF. But there is a kind of space above and under the characters. I added static text with a black border and generated the PDF in the studio and with our application. The result looks like this:


In the studio-pdf it looks like this:


Is there a problem with a property setting?

Thanks for your help!

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thank you for the answer. I've removed all the paddings and the result is getting better, but not satisfying. I tried to use other library-versions (6.9, 6.10 & brand new 6.12). The same results ... only 6.12.1 didnt embed the font in the report, I do not know why. It was released 3 days ago, so maybe its a bug.

How can I add the textAdjust-Element? I've tried to add it directly in the source (e.g. <textField evaluationTime="Master" textAdjust="ScaleFont">) in studio, but as soon as the report compiles, its gone.

I just dont get it why the studio renders a perfect pdf and the java programm did not. I've tried so many things, I even copied the parameters from the studio and put it in the programm ( with JasperReportsContext).

Thanks so much for your help, its a little bit frustrating to get the same result over and over again...

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