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API v2 - List Jobs for a Specific Report


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As per the "Listing Report Jobs" online docs (https://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/jasperreports-server-web-services-guide/v56/listing-report-jobs):

Use the following method to list jobs, either all jobs managed by the scheduler or the jobs for a specific report:

I can list all jobs on the server fine. But I'm trying to get the jobs for a specific report. 

The docs suggest the format for this is a GET request to http://<host>:<port>/jasperserver[-pro]/rest_v2/jobs/path/to/report 

I have done this, but I always end up with a 404. The docs would suggest that this means there is no job attached to the report, but that's not the case. 

I'm using the following cURL command against a report that I know has jobs attached to it:

curl "http://{our host}/rest_v2/jobs/{path_to_report}"      -u 'xxxxxxxx:XXXXXXXX'[/code]

The host, path to report, username and password are all correct. They work fine against other API endpoints. At this point I'm assuming that either the API endpoint to retrieve jobs for a specific report is not working correctly, or the documentation is incorrect.

Has anybody been able to successfully retrieve jobs for a specific report? If so, any pointers? :) 


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