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How to refresh Dashboard with different params & resource?


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<html><head>    <script type='text/javascript' src="https://xxx.com/jasperserver-pro/client/visualize.js"></script></head><body>    <button onclick="dashboardA()">Dashboard Type A</button>    <button onclick="dashboardB()">Dashboard Type B</button>    <button onclick="dashboardBWithDifferentParams()">Dashboard Type B with different params</button>    <div id="container" style="width: 100%; height: 100%;"></div>    <script>        function runDashboard(config) {            visualize({                    auth: {                        name: "id",                        password: "password",                        organization: "organization_1"                    }                },                function (v) {                    v.dashboard(config);                });        }        dashboardA();        function dashboardA() {            runDashboard({                resource: "pathA",                container: "#container",                params: {}            });        }        function dashboardB() {            runDashboard({                resource: "pathB",                container: "#container",                params: {                    projectId: ["78CDBAFB-C517-4BCC-B7E7-C86C76F0D1CB"]                },                linkOptions: {                    events: {                        click: (event, link, defaultHandler) => alert(link.parameters.projectId)                    }                }            });        }        function dashboardBWithDifferentParams() {            runDashboard({                resource: "pathB",                container: "#container",                params: {                    projectId: ["3DC646DA-BD65-4E5F-842F-7BA730CB79A0"]                },                linkOptions: {                    events: {                        click: (event, link, defaultHandler) => alert(link.parameters.projectId)                    }                }            });        }    </script></body></html>[/code]

As you can see, I need to update dashboard with different params or different resource path on same div.

I tried using dashboard.params({}).run(); but it only works on same resource of dashboard.

Is there any way to update dashboard?

Even though dashboard is refreshed, params are still previous params that I ran the first time.

Help me...

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