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Limit the amount of data in HTML rendered, but retain all data in Excel export


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Sorry for the repost, but I was hoping @hozawa would see my question again since he usually has a lot of good Jasper insight.  This is a repost of Limit the amount of data rendered in page? To speed up returning 40,000 rows.

I have a report that could potentially return 40k rows, and while the query performs relatively well (~40 seconds), the Jasper interface takes ~6 minutes to render the report.  It also makes the browser window very unstable, as 40k rows is a lot to render in the browser.

The user does not need to see all 40k rows in the browser - rather, the Excel export is what is important to the user in this case.  I googled around and saw an example using SSRS (SQL Server Reporting Services) which has something called Interactive Paging where you can limit the height of the data returned.  In this example he/she was able to limit the data rendered in the browser, but upon export to Excel, all of the data is succesfully exported.

I'm using iReport version 5.6.  (Of course we would like to upgrade to the newest version but that is not an option at the moment.)  Is there anything in my version of Jasper that can give similar functionality to the example?  To be clear, I want to limit the amount of data rendered in the browser, but include all data ~40k rows in the Excel export.

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I think his suggestion in the last post is OK. Create a parameter to limit the number of rows.

Hide this parameter, and give a small number to it as default. When the user runs the report in browser, it will be generated quickly.

When the user wants to see the full data in excel, use the schedule functionality, and input a large number for this parameter instead.

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