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Agressive Printer Memory Usage

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By: Dave G - dgarratt

Agressive Printer Memory Usage

2005-08-18 06:51

I previously logged a problem about not being able to print landscape reports from jaseperviewer. I have after much messing around managed to get a whole page to print. I had to turn of print spooling and tell the queue to print directly to the printer. I also had to turn on 'Page Protection' on the printer driver. If I don't do this the output appears to been too big (mb) for the printers memory. This is curious as I could always output the report to a PDF file and print that from acrobat without the same problem. This begs the question about the difference between to two ways of printing. Is jasper the page as a huge bitmap, and is Acrobat sending it as proper text/fonts ? Something is different but I know not what.


Any ideas ?





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did you find a solution for your problem?


Because we have a similar problem. The generated pdf (one page and only text) has a size of just 24KB. If I print this document, the driver of the printer (Lexmark pcl 5 universal) creates an internal spooling-file with the size of 2 MB.

Is there a reason for the difference and a way to reduce the size of the spooling-file?

Kind regards,




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