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Docker Container - Install Webservice DS (V0.9)


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I want to use the Jaspersoft Reportserver as a Docker Image from 


I install Version 6.2 from the docker Hub. 

But if I install the Webservice DS (V0.9) the server not restarts well. I install the dataservice with copy from a local path WEB-INF into the container image.

I do this by the following command :

docker cp WEB-INF jasperserver:/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/jasperserver 

I don't know if this is correct for installing extensions into a container. Has anybody a Dockerfile where he's adding an extension to the container ? 

Greetings Stefc




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Yes I restart the docker container after copy the files into it. But after the restart the tomcat server don't startup anymore. 

I think the copy files is wrong, but I do it as I understand the installation instructions. 

[WS_DS_DIR]JRSWEB-INF is the unzipped content of the 0.9 version

[JRS_DIR] is /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/jasperserver inside the container 

  1. Localize your JasperReports Server (JRS) web application folder. We'll reference it as [JRS_DIR] from now on
  2. Open the folder [WS_DS_DIR]JRSWEB-INF
  3. Copy all the folder's content
  4. Stop your web server running JRS
  5. Open the folder [JRS_DIR]WEB-INF
  6. Backup this folder before executing next step!
  7. paste the previously copied files. Please note that it is not supposed to override any existing file.
  8. Start your web server running JRS

inside the WEB-INF folder I've five files.



3x "lib/xxx.jar"  



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Hi Stefan, the instructions were not designed for a docker installation. The backup is just there to make sure people are aware that they have to be careful with what they do in that folder :)

I believe the issue you are facing is related to this bug:



Can you please double check the logs file and let me know if this is the case?


I am planning on fixing this bug soon



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