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Line Chart -- Dots not connected

Ba Ma
Go to solution Solved by javier.ggi90,

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Hi everyone,

I created a Line chart which displays 3 diffrent series. But there is a problem: 

The line stops when there is no x axis value for a specific date, but if in a futher date there is a  x axis value, the dot will be displayed, but the line doesn't connect the dots.

I wonder if it is possible to edit the chart the line goes through the whole graph, without stopping when there is no x axis value for a specific date.

Anyone knows how to solve this?

Would appreciate any help.



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As you probably found out already, if the value is null there will be no dot so you can solve this in several ways, I can think of these:

  1. Create a new dataset for the chart and EXCLUDE data for the registers that have no value.
  2. Put the values into a variable and create the chart using this variable. In the expression create a condition so that if the value is null, it should take a value of zero.



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Hi Javier,

thank you for your answer, i really appreciate the help.

Could you explan to me how it's working? I never did something like that before.


--- EDIT:


I tried to change the condition in the series Expression editor with : 


($F{PRIORITY} == null ? "0" : $F{PRIORITY})

This condition should achieve, that every null value will be a "0" and the line will go down to the x axis.

But it isn't working.

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hi and thanks again. 

yes PRIORITY is a numerical type.


I followed your instructions but it still doesn't work.



VALUE CLASS NAME: java.lang.Integer

CCalculation: No calc function

Expression :($F{PRIORITY} == null ? 0 : $F{PRIORITY})

and so on....


I then picked the variable as the series Experssion editor in the Line chart, but it is still displaying the same result?

Did i make an mistake?





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