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when are you compiling?

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By: teepee - tpatzner

when are you compiling?

2006-07-18 18:36

I was just wondering what the majority of people are doing to compile their reports. Are you compiling at runtime in the java code? Or are you compiling before runtime and just using the .jasper file in your code?


I ask because most of the problems that I have come across occurred when I was trying to compile during runtime. And most of the samples that I have come across don't do it that way.






By: Teodor Danciu - teodord

RE: when are you compiling?

2006-07-19 07:54




I just added an FAQ for this:



I hope this helps.





By: rsood - rsood72

CrossTabs and Detail Band

2006-07-19 09:53

Is it true that Crosstabs would work only if we put them in the summary band of a page..though the sample shows them in the detail band too. Everytime I put crosstabs in the detail bands I get the following error

Caused by: net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: Crosstab data has already been processed.

I also sometimes get the following which is nested in the above exception


net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRRuntimeException: Error incrementing crosstab dataset

I have my own datasource which happens to be a vector of custom object. This object has the fields that contain row group, col group header, detail header values and regular groups. I also found I cannot group a crosstab using regular groups, i would have to make those groups part of cross tabs by making two row groups and col groups.


This is my guess on why I am getting the error...every time it gets a record it tries to process the cross tab from the beginning ..so that is fine with the first record but if I had more than one element in my vector or more than one record than the processing again from the beginning hits the processed flag and it throws the exception....so I am guessing that detail band is not the right place to put a crosstab..

could someone shed more light into this.

thank you...Teodor hope you are reading this and can help me out..

thank you.

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