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Access Nested json records from more than 1 objects using same data source.


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I have been trying to fetch data from two objects. I have json data where there are 5 objects, out of which 1 has values as an array. I am successfully able to fetch data from the object which has value has an array and use the fields in my report. But,i was trying to get a field from the 1st object as well which on using comes as null. I am posting the image.



These 3 fields i am using in my report. i want the field 'name' from 1st object to be used with the report but i am not being able to do so.



Can someone please help me out here?




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  • 5 months later...

It is possible, but with some effort if you are willing to use the current implementation of JSON data source.

An easier solution is to wait for the 6.3.1 release of the JasperReports Library and the JasperSoft Studio where we have createad a new JSON query language meant to solve issues like this. A new sample with extensive documentation will be available in the Data Source / Query Executer section of the sample reference page(http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/sample.reference.html) once the JasperReports Library 6.3.1 release is out.

If you are tight to the current JSON implementation, these are the main steps to achieve what you want:

  1. use an empty query as the queryString
  2. create a field with the "city.name" description
  3. create a subDataset(for e.g. name it ListSubDataset) with the "temp.day", "temp.min", "temp.max" for the descriptions of the fields
  4. create a list that uses the ListSubDataset and pass it a dataSource expression like this one:

<datasetRun subDataset="ListSubDataset">



A working example with subDatasets and lists can be found here:


or here


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