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Subreport page break

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By: Thiago Almeida - thiago_almeida

Subreport page break

2006-03-23 10:09


i have this situation.

I have 3 JasperReport files that are passed by parameter to my master report.

I need to put them into the master as subreports.

I've created 3 different groups and have put each file in a separate group.


My question is: How can i break the page after each subreport presentation ? I've tried all kinds of things but it seems not work.


Any sugestions,


Thank you,




By: Daren O - rckrll106

RE: Subreport page break

2006-03-29 07:14

If you put your subreports in seperate groups and "start on a new page" that should work. You might have to play around with the "min height to start a new page"



By: C-Box - c-box

RE: Subreport page break

2006-04-05 01:49

The thing is, that if you are using dummygroups the "StartNewPage" feature of the group is not working, because the group-expressions never change for the current record. Even if you are using different group-expressions like "1" , "2" and "3" you won't get the expected page-break.


So a page-break element like I already suggested some times would be REALLY REALLY great.... then the using of dummy groups just for getting pagebreaks would be history!!!!


Please (Teodor) write your opinion towards this.

greetings from Germany


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