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I see what you mean - when i close the Palette, it reappears as a pop-out section of the report. Then, when I collapse that and switch to another report, it expands again.  

Could you please enter that in the tracker, with some detail?

In the meantime, I think if you go back to the original perspective (Window > Reset Perspective) and drag the palette out of the program, you can drag it somewhere non-visible (like the bottom of the screen). That might get it out of your way. 


just dont understand why software makers make it not intuitive.  you shouldnt have to look all over the product and then post questions in order to close and then reopen the palette later if you want to.  I know , it is probably just me and my lofty expectations of things that are the problems but DAMN!!!!http://community.jaspersoft.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/angry_smile.gif


thank you for the suggestion.  that does work.

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