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Yes. Username jasperadmin password jasperadmin 

I tried to connect with jasper studio.via Repository->create connection.but ı am getting error "acess is denied"????? 




Can you login to JasperReports Server from a web browser?

BTW, you need to be using the same version/revision of Jaspersoft Studio as JasperReports Server. Interfaces aren't guarenteed to be 100% compatible between versions.


Made a mistake. Your screenshot if of a web browser accessing JasperReports Server page and nothing to do about deploying a report from Jaspersoft Studio.

Did you test the datasource you've selected when uploading the report to make sure it's connecting to you datasource? The most common reason for this error is invalid datasource.


Firstly, can you confirm if you can connect to the JasperServer from a web browser. The reason i'm asking is because the error message you posted seems to show that you can't access the server through the web browser. Does the error happen when you enter the URL for jasperserver, or after you login on the login page? This might or might not be related to why you can't upload the report. 

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