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I have created an ad hoc chart in JasperReports Server 6.0.1 with a timestamp as the row value. When I change the grouping to Minute by Day the date element shows in the US format MM/DD/YY, however I need to display this in the UK format DD/MM/YYYY. How can I achieve this?

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Thanks for the response.

I have made the changes as mentioned in the page link and my jasperserver_config.properties file has the following entries, 

datetime.format=dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss
calendar.datetime.format=dd-mm-yy HH:mm:ss
I have restarted the server and this has made no impact to the row grouping format in the chart. The values are still showing as MM/DD/YY. 
This page http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/custom-grouping-ad-hoc-crosstabs seems to be in the right direction, however I can't understand where I need to make the necessary changes.

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