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Is it possible to save the report I just created in iReport Designer to my report server? Or do I have to save it local and upload it afterwards seperatly?

For example when I tested a different report software I was able to upload it directly when I was connected to a report Server, just want to know if this is also possibly with Jasper iReport Designer :)


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Yes it is possible is built into ireport, check this post http://www.lukeshannon.com/jrs-articles/jasperserver-repository-advantage.html

Remember that iReport is on maintenance mode now and quickly reaching it's EOL. I would suggest you switch to Jaspersoft Studio, is a lot more powerfull and easy to use, specially when dealing with JasperServer. You can get the Community edition here http://community.jaspersoft.com/project/jaspersoft-studio if you are a current customer you can download Jaspersoft Studio Professional from the support portal.


Yes, it's possible. It's also possible to edit resources (e.g. Reports, Input Controls) on JasperReports Server directly without saving it locally.

I've found that this operation is much easier with Jaspersoft Studio than with iReports.

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